The information to be considered
regarding special education in regards to English learners is massive. Indeed, special education is a complex,
multi-faceted topic for any learner. It
is not an easy task to talk about it in a short blog post.
So, I am going to focus my
discussion on the possible overrepresentation of English learners in disability
programs. Our text points out that in
the 1970s the United States faced many lawsuits stemming from the lack of
safeguards and invalid testing of English language learners that unfairly
placed them in special education programs.
Fortunately, these lawsuits caused our country to remedy many problem
areas in evaluating English learners.
The disproportionately high numbers of English learners faded.
(and I learned a bit about this in my wonderful Educating Special Learners
class) the problem still exists to some extent.
For one thing, legislation has expanded disability categories and, as a
result, more bilingual students have been labeled as needing remedial education. These students have not suddenly lost skills
or become less capable. They have merely
become the victim of “big brother” arbitrarily changing the criteria. Further, the criteria that has changed is, as
our book points out, a cultural construct.
What one cultural group considers a disability, another might not.
I certainly
want any and all students who can benefit from special education services to
receive those services. I am, however,
wary that a student who is not “typical”, for whatever reason, might unjustly
be put into the special education system.
I hope that when I am a teacher, I will find that my fears are
unfounded. I hope that my school
administrators always use the best, most meticulous
assessment methods to determine who will benefit from special education. I want the best for all students, including English
learners, children with special needs, and English learners who have special
Chapter 12 Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners
and Special Education
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