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Losing Arturo

Immigration laws and families in the United States:  What an uneasy relationship these can share.  Having lived in a state with a very, very high number of immigrants, including undocumented immigrants, I have seen just how uncomfortable these people can be when dealing with any governmental agencies and representatives.  I’ve seen immigrants who struggled day in and day out to “lie low” so as to not attract any attention from the authorities.  This was not due to any criminal activity on their part.  This was simply out of fear of being detained or deported.
Now, as an aspiring educator, I have seen how devastating the possibility of deportation can be specifically to a student.  In my current internship placement, we had a young boy I shall call Arturo.  Arturo had entered this second grade classroom having a history of violent outbursts in the school, deficiencies in all curricular areas, and burdened with the challenges that face all English-language learners.   However, something wonderful happened for Arturo.  He was placed with a veteran teacher who was resolute that Arturo would succeed.  In the first five months or so of Arturo’s second grade school year, he flourished.  His reading level went from a one to about a 10.  He very, very rarely had any behavior issues at school.  He attended school regularly and with enthusiasm.  Life, for Arturo, was promising.
Then, the political climate of the United States changed, and sadly, a large number of our population became fearful that they were no longer welcome in our country.  Arturo’s family was part of this population.  We received word that Arturo would be out of town for a week, but he never returned.  His teacher was (and remains) deeply saddened and worried about Arturo, but she was not surprised.  I remember the first day that Arturo missed, she said, “I don’t think we will see him again.”  She was so very troubled, but she was also resigned to the fact that she “lost” Arturo. 
I know that immigration issues are very complex.  I recognize that many citizens of the United States feel that past presidential administrations have benignly neglected the whole issue and that these people are now pushing for stronger reform.  I even will concede that there could be security issues related to having a significant population of people who are not recognized within “the system “.  But, what I think that should be considered most is that the vast majority of people who come to the United States are simply in search of better living conditions.  These people perceive the United States as a land of better possibilities and, really, shouldn’t we embrace that ideology?
In my world, we can and should have a country that provides opportunities for everyone, especially those who really need it.  In my world, we support families who seek to better themselves and their children.  In my world, Arturo would receive a quality education without the constant threat of upheaval.  I know that my world is idealistic, but I will continue to advocate for it.  I will continue to advocate for Arturo.

"Lost In Detention" Video


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